Family explores home loan options
Family explores home loan options

Pepper Money

Need fresh home loan options? You're in the right place.


Pepper Money home loans trio

Wondering how a non-bank lender could help?

We look beyond your credit score to see the real you.

Pepper Money home loans trio

We offer interest rates and repayment options that are matched to your circumstances.

Above all,
we're dedicated to helping you succeed.

Keen to find out more?

Whether you're refinancing, a first home buyer, or seasoned investor - talk to us to find out if we can help.

Wondering how a non-bank could help you get ahead?


We look beyond your credit score to see the real you.

We offer interest rates and repayment options that're matched to your circumstances.

Above all, we're dedicated to helping you succeed.


Any loan applications are subject to the Pepper Money team completing responsible lending checks and considering your/every customers individual circumstances.

Get in touch with a Lending Specialist

Tell us about your situation. The more we learn, the better we can help.